“But as for you, O tranquil soul.
Return to your Lord, pleased and accepted.
Enter among My worshipers.”
(Qur’an 89:27-28)
Preparing for the Holy Month of Ramadan
Join Sidi Mahdi al-Jamal, the son of Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i ash-Shadhili for (mostly) bi-weekly talks between now and Ramadan, insha’allah. Sidi Mahdi will cover topics related to the months of Rajab, Sha`ban, and Ramadan, insha’allah, which will inspire and enrich your walking to our Greatest Beloved Allah, subhanahu wa ta`ala.
Dates: Sundays – Jan 19, Feb 2, Feb 16, Feb 23, 2025
Time: 11:30 am – 1:00 pm PT / 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm ET
The Zoom access information will be emailed to you when you register, insha’allah. You only need to register 1 time for the series, regardless of how many classes you intend to attend.
If you have enrolled for the class, you can access the recordings here.