Connect heart-to-heart with beloveds in community
About SSC
Get a better understanding of the legal nonprofit umbrella organization caring for our community.
The Land, Post-Fire
Where to find the latest information on the Land and its development.
History of SSC & Land
How it all began: the Land, the Mother Center, and the organization.
The Jami' Initiative
The Jami` Initiative is an SSC program which facilitates healing and reconciliation within and for the entire community. The intention is to create safe and respectful spaces in which everyone can come together in honest dialogue. Nothing will be brushed under the table. All who participate will be treated with kindness and respect. Learn more and join us in coming together as one hand, one heart, in community.
The Big Picture of Our Community
Meet the Murshids
Meet the Murshids, the teachers Sidi designated to lead after his passing.
Teacher Ranking System
Understand the system Sidi put in place to manage community growth.
Need Help? We Are Here For You.
Do you:
- Have a question for a teacher, an imam, or a murshid
- Want to join a reading/writing or walking group
- Require support as a teacher
- Wish to consult the Ansar Council or Unity Project
- Need to apply for assistance from Beloveds In Need
- Want to make a request of SSC
2024 International Gathering Commemorative Page
Masha’allah, SSC hosted its first community gathering since Covid on Sept 19-22, 2024. View the commemorative page to see pictures, videos, the schedule, and more.
Get Involved
As Sidi would say, “Take your chance!” Add your special fragrance and give from your heart and you will enrich the entire community.
Find opportunities to volunteer your time and expertise in support of our mission.
Teacher Support
Access resources to support curriculum development and your walking as a teacher.
Affiliate Groups
SSC and our affiliate groups work together as one hand, one heart to fulfill our promise to Allah and to spread the Divine message of Peace, Love, Mercy, Justice, Freedom, and Equality for all people, everywhere.
Our affiliates provide services that are aligned with our mission, including: prayer healings, classes, degree programs in Sufism and healing, Sidi’s published media, mediation, Sidi’s remedies, and more.