"The believer never stops wanting to learn the holy teachings until he arrives in Paradise."
- The Prophet Muhammad
The Sufi Library
As a student of a Shadhiliyya Sufi order, you have all that you need to learn and grow. You have the unaltered Word of God, the Holy Qur’an, the example of God’s Last Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and you have the rich teachings of our guide, Sidi Shaykh Said Muhammad al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i ash-Shadhili to help you understand and actualize the inner meanings of these pure and perfect resources. Therefore, you are not lacking and you have everything you need to walk in a holy way and reach the beautiful stations our guide taught us. May this library serve as a primary resource to help you find your way as you strive towards beauty, love, freedom, and excellence, insha’allah.
You have found the Love, now let’s explore into this precious Love and reach it’s Source, insha’allah.
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Read and write, pray, remember, and connect with your community
Teachings Along the Path

Access a reservoir of collected knowledge from the our guide and other travelers which relates to walking the path. Insha’allah, this will serve the seeker’s pursuit of knowledge
Spiritual Practices

Discover the spiritual practices that are unique to our Shadhiliyya lineage as taught to us by our guide Sidi, complete with instructions, explanations and recordings to help you learn and implement them.
Downloadable Resources

Download resources which, insha’allah, will increase your knowledge of the path and how to perform religious observances and spiritual practices.
Masjid ash-Shadhiliyya
Enter the virtual Masjid ash-Shadhiliyya (Mosque of the Shadhiliyya Community) and drink from the well of knowledgeable beloveds Allah has blessed us with, alhamdulillah. in our community. Imam Sa’id bin Yunus, Chaplain Amany Shalaby, and Imam Abdul Karim Pinkney have collaborated to build this corner of learning. Here you can deepen your understanding of our Sufi tradition and acquire knowledge of the holy Qur’an, the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and the deeper meanings of the pillars of our faith, as taught to us by our guide Sidi.
Holy Days
Sidi used to say, “There are special places, special people, and special times.” Holy days are special times for the seeker, as they offer unique opportunities for connecting deeply with the Beloved.
The Story of Our Guide, Sidi
Sidi is our guide who continues to guide us after leaving his body and passing into the next life. He continues to live in the hearts of his students and teach anyone who will listen through his writings and recordings. Sidi’s transmissions are carried forward through the hearts and actions of his students and the legacy of selfless giving he practiced throughout his life. What Sidi brought to all of us was pure and timeless, and so it continues to move, reach hearts, and guide those who seek the clean healing water of the truth. May Allah sanctify Sidi’s spirit and be pleased with him, giving him proximity to Him and the privilege of seeing His Beautiful Face.
For all who knew him, this area is here to remind us of our guide and all the memories we shared together with him. For those that may not have met him in body, trust that he knew you would be his student long before you learned of him.
May this be an opportunity to feel into his nature and spirit so that you may connect and get to know him better on the outer and on the inner. All students, new and old, walk this path through the door of our guide. May these images, recordings and writings help you feel his spirit and step through that beautiful door, God willing.
Prayer Information & Times
Read an overview of the salah and some resources on prayer times.
Get Help & Support
We all need a little help and support sometimes. Consult this section when you:
- Have a question for a teacher, an imam or a murshid
- Want to join a reading/writing or walking group
- Could use support as a teacher
- Wish to consult the Ansar Council or Peacemaking Project
- Wish to apply for assistance from Beloveds In Need
- Make a request of SSC