Zahra Lee is a longtime student of Sidi’s and holds an important role in the northeast region and in our national community.
Zahra offers a Sufi Healing Circle every week by phone and everyone is welcome to join.
Weekly Dhikr
Every Friday evening
7:30-9:30 pm ET
Zoom Phone: 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 810 8581 3955
Passcode: 300166
Central Massachusetts
We have several beloveds in the area who hold different aspects of our community life. Contact any of them if you have questions or wish to get involved.
Sa’ida Kuebler
Facilitates a weekly dhikr by zoom every Thursday 8pm ET,
Contact her to be put on the weekly email list for the zoom info.
Aamainah Winslow
Aamainah helps to organize community events.
Holden, MA
Ruhayyah Bonnie
Ruhayyah teaches and facilitates a small group of beloveds in her area.
Woodstock, CT
Najiyyah Paquette
Najiyyah teaches and facilitates a small group of beloveds in her area.
Auburn, MA