In the most simple terms, Sufism helps us connect directly to the Divine, which Sufis and other people who speak Arabic call Allah. Through this connection the heart begins to open and receive directly what it has always been longing for: pure love. This pure Divine love, when it enters, begins to clean and heal all the wounded places that have caused division and despair in our lives, and it guides us along a path of peace, awakening, freedom, and unity with the love of God.
Because Sufism focuses on Divine Love and receiving that Love, it is gentle and helps you to feel safe. Because Sufism was revealed by God to a prophet, just as Christianity and Judaism were, it is powerful. People drawn to our Sufi path tend to be attracted to both sides of the path, but perhaps more the loving side at first.
When you commit to being in an ongoing, conscious relationship with Allah and you take Sidi as your guide (and the current Murshids as your teachers), many aspects of your life will begin to shift. It may feel a bit like an earthquake, but in the best possible way.
Sufism Can Help You:
- Feel more love. It profoundly deepens and broadens your ability to feel love, empathy, compassion, joy, happiness, peace, and more love.
- Clean up your behavior. When you decide to walk the Sufi path you take a special promise with one of our teachers. In this promise, you vow to be honest, to be sincere, and to live in an upright manner. You vow not to steal, lie, or betray people’s trust. It’s a very, very serious oath. Once you take it, you will become aware of any areas you are out of alignment with this oath, and you will, God willing, be guided to behave in a more beautiful manner.
- Be more authentic in every aspect of your life. Once you begin feeling the love more deeply and beautifying your behavior, it will become obvious to you which aspects of your life aren’t really working. Some people decide to change jobs or careers, while others explore new interests, hobbies, and experiences. These types of changes can take place over days, months, or years. There is no rush–you will know when it’s the right time to make these types of changes.
- Experience greater joy, fulfillment, peace, gratitude, love, happiness, and more. As your heart becomes more authentic and beautiful, its ability to contain positive states, stations, and emotions broadens and deepens. You can contain more joy, so you experience more joy, etc.
- Remain at peace regardless of ease or constriction. Once you’ve traveled deeply, you find a place within yourself regardless of whether life is easy or difficult you will remain at peace in your heart. We all aspire to this.
- Experience lofty spiritual states. The seeker can experience higher spiritual states and stations at any point in your conscious and devoted relationship with Allah, Most High. These are bestowed by the Most High upon whomever He wishes. Sidi always told us to keep walking and not to stop, no matter how beautiful, ecstatic, or holy a state is. There states definitely do not come when you are *trying* to invoke them.