My husband and moved from Alberta to Ontario were living in his parents basement.
We saw a condo for sale, my husband did not have good credit and myself I moved to Canada from UK when I got married so I had no credit, my father in law said he will do a line of credit on his house as a guarantor to help us buy a condo and we will just need to pay a down payment and pay the monthly each month and it will be our condo.
We gave him the down payment for the condo but in the condo paperwork his father only put his name not my husband’s and my name. Everyone in the family knew it was our condo and we put down the down payment and were going to pay the monthly.
When we bought the condo my father in law told us we have to pay $1900 each month when we asked for the line of credit paperwork from bank which would have shown our down payment and how much we need to pay my father in law said he will just explain to us and gave us no paperwork and just told us we need to pay $1,900 a month to him.
We moved into the condo and paid the $1,900 monthly, after having lived there for 2.5 years, the property prices increased a lot and my father in law told us to sell it and said we will make money on the condo and we can buy a semi detached house with the money just like one of his other son and daughter in law have. We told him if we sell the condo where are we going to live and plus if we buy something else the price of that property will also be high and we can’t afford to pay more and that we can pay this off more easily. But he kept putting pressure on us. I told my husband I don’t want to sell and we can’t afford anything else and I don’t want go and live in his parents basement again because we lived there before and I had problems and that I need my own space and privacy. My husband promised me we will only live there till we receive our condo sale money from his father which should be within a month and that once it’s in his fathers bank account he will transfer it to us, he promised me we will move out and rent a place of our own.
But after a month the money was not transferred to us nor did we have access to it, whenever we asked for the money we got shouted at and his father said you guys are working are you not we couldn’t understand what us working had to do with us not being able to have our condo sale money which was our money we paid towards the condo his father was just a guarantor. Because we couldn’t afford to move out we ended up living in the basement for a year in that year we managed to get some money but when we asked for the line of credit paperwork and lawyers paperwork to do our own calculations and to see what was still owed to us we weren’t given the paperwork.
Us not receiving our money created huge problems and stress between my husband and I which also had huge negative affect on our marriage because of the financial problems not having access to our money and having to live in the basement when we didn’t want to live there because we didn’t have exclusive use therefore didn’t have our own space or privacy. Also we feel we feel our money was kept by his father so we will stay in basement and we will pay all their utility bills even though we were at work all day so hardly used any utilities and so we pay for their credit card statements when they go abroad when we asked for payment on those his father has refused to pay us back and we get shouted at. Had we received our co go money we would have moved out therefore wouldn’t had to pay for other things.
Eventually I decided to look for a rental place because we hand no access to our money I had to contact my father in UK to send us money so we can pay first and last month rent and move out.
We feel we have been deceived into buying a condo putting down the down payment and paying the $1,900 monthly for 2.5 years and when it sold we didn’t receive any paperwork of the sale and from the bank the print out on the line of credit nor did we receive our money.
Please can you advise on this matter from Islamic prospective on following:
being deceived into paying for property so someone else can keep the money and claim that was their property when they were just a guarantor.
The problems it created between my husband and I not having access to our money and how it badly impacted my marriage.
Parents controlling their son’s life and making decisions for their son and daughter in law’s life telling them to sell property and where to live and not allowing their son and daughter in law access to their money.
JazskAah Khair in advance
Pleases email me response at
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