What is a Chaplain?
Chaplains are religious caregivers, like imams, ministers, and rabbis, who provide spiritual care for people in non-religious settings, such as youth organizations, prisons, hospitals, hospice facilities, non-profits, corporations, and universities. Chaplains help people manage life’s challenges, find meaning where they feel unsure, and open to new possibilities. With a chaplain people can explore their awareness of life’s sacredness and discover a source of inner peace and, insha’allah, joy. Like a physician, a chaplain offers compassionate, spiritual care to everyone, without discrimination.
Become a Universal Chaplain and learn how to care for the hearts of others…
Physicians care for the body. Psychologists care for mental health. Become a chaplain and care for the wellness of the soul and its sacred values.
Do you feel called to develop and improve your ability to care for people going through transition or crisis? Have you felt drawn to becoming a universal chaplain who works with people from all faiths and denominations, qualified to work in secular settings such as hospitals, hospice, corporations, non-profits, prisons, youth organizations, and universities?
If so, consider becoming a Chaplain.
Give the message of Allah’s peace, love, mercy, justice, and freedom to all people, everywhere.
Amany Shalaby, MA and Rifqa Guillot, Ph.D., M.Div. teach classes and offer certification in Universal Chaplaincy and their next enrollment period is now open! Join them for an introduction to the principles and methods of Universal Chaplaincy, the structure of their classes, and enjoy a taste of the Divine love and compassion that permeates their teaching.
Amany and Rifqa will also be unveiling an Islamic Studies program in which you can earn a Master’s degree, insha’allah. Stay tuned!
Learn more about Universal Chaplaincy.
Join Us!
Date: Tuesday, January 18th
Time: 5:00 pm PT / 8:00 pm ET
Hosts: Amany Shalaby, MA, Rifqa Guillot, Ph.D., M.Div.
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