Jesus Christ’s Life & Teachings in the Islamic Tradition
Each year around Christmas, SSC sets aside several days for people to study and remember the life and teachings of the Prophet ‘Isa, alayhi-s-salam. We read Sidi’s teachings on ‘Isa from his books, especially Stories of the Prophets, we do practices together that relate to ‘Isa, and we generally celebrate what Sidi called “The true teachings of ‘Isa, alayhi-s-salam.”
In the Sufi tradition `Isa, alayhi-s-salam, is a highly esteemed prophet and messenger. There are several important similarities between Allah’s description of `Isa in the Qur’an and how Christians understand Jesus and Mary. Some of those similarities are:
- Maryam (Mary) experienced the immaculate conception and was a virgin when she was impregnated by the Angel Jibril (Gabriel). Maryam was the recipient of miraculous food and drink manifested for her directly by Allah, subhanallah al-adhim. She is considered the holiest of women and a model to be emulated.
- `Isa performed miracles, such as healing the sick, bringing clay birds to life, manifesting food and drink, and speaking when he was an infant
- `Isa will return to Earth before the Day of Judgment to bring peace to the entire world and save it from the false messiah (the Anti-Christ). At that time, he will marry and have children.
- Allah gave `Isa many titles, including: Isa ibn Maryam (Isa son of Maryam), Ruh (Spirit) from Allah, al-Masih (the Messiah), Kalimat Allah (the Word of God), and Wajih (honorable, distinguished).
There are some important differences in the understanding of `Isa and his role, as well, summarized below:
- `Isa was a prophet and messenger of God, subhanallah al-adhim. His role was to bring the message of Allah, subhanallah al-adhim, to the people of his time until the next prophet came, and to intercede for them on the Day of Judgment. He is not considered the prophet for all of humanity. Also, `Isa was not the son of God, and he is not part of a trinity that is God.
- In the Qur’an it says that `Isa was not crucified–that another was in his place during the crucifixion. This negates the Christian doctrine that Jesus died for our sins and that accepting him as your savior is the only way to achieve Heaven.
It’s clear to all that `Isa, alayhi-s-salam, was an extremely holy person who was given many special gifts by Allah, subhanahu wa ta`ala for those who lived in his time. Connecting with his spirit is a blessing available to all, alhamdulillah, and we are grateful to take the opportunity to do so during this time of year.