Group Worship
How Does Our Community Engage in Virtual Group Worship?
These are both Zoom meetings and conference calls that focus on reading, writing, contemplating, or discussing Sidi’s books, the Qur’an, the Divine Names, and other important works. Worship meetings can also engage in group prayer, remembrance, al-wird, Qur’anic recitation, and other Sufi spiritual practices. Every day of the week we have at least 10 group worship meetings, providing a powerful opportunity for deepening your walking, your healing, and your familiarity with Sidi’s teachings.
Most Group Worship is on Zoom
For about 20 years all Group Worship meetings took place on a conference calls line. Almost all of these meetings have moved over to the Zoom platform. This will enable people from around the world to join us using internet access or telephone access, insha’allah. It will also eliminate the fees some cell phone carriers charge for using conference call lines.
As with all of our programs, SSC does not charge a fee for these calls; they are all by donation.
How to Participate in Group Worship Meetings
Check out our calendar of events for exact dates and times. The Group Worship Meetings on Zoom are dark brown and the Group Worship Meetings on a conference call phone line are dark grey. No registration is required.
Meeting ID: 786 165 9266
Passcode: 111111
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,7861659266#,,,,*111111# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,7861659266#,,,,*111111# US (New York)
On Conference Call Line
For the Worship Meetings in dark grey on the TeamUp calendar, join by calling:
(909) 318-7666
There is no access code needed.
Questions or More Info
If you have questions or would like more information on Group Worship Meetings, or if you would like to host a new Group Worship Meeting, contact Sara Madonna.