This is a list of the books by our beloved guide, Sidi. Many of these books can be purchased at sufimaster.org and some of them can be purchased on this site. It is extremely beneficial to read and write all of Sidi’s books. Unfamiliar with the benefits and process of hand-copying a book? Click here to learn about reading and writing Sidi’s teachings as a spiritual practice.
This list begins with the books that Sidi recommended beginners read and write first, but there is no hard and fast rule about this. Read through the list and go with your guidance. As Sidi himself said:
“You can read and re-read this book. If you read it one time, you take something. If you read a second time, you take something more. It is the same for the third time, fourth time, and so on. Do not buy the book and put it on the bookshelf. This is a book you need to read and re-read. It is food for the spirit, the nafs, the heart and the secret. This is a ladder that will help you raise yourself from station to station, so I urge you not to ignore this book. Buy it.”
Sidi Shaykh Muhammad al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i ash-Shadhili, The Sufi Realities. Shadhiliyya Sufi Center, 2004. pp. 103-104.
Music of the Soul

This is the first book Sidi compiled for his students to use as a primer, and it is appropriate for beginning and advanced students. In it, Sidi starts from the beginning and takes the beloved very far into knowing the stations of the way, the prophetic light, and the religion of unity. Music of the Soul combines the classic functions of Sufi writing: it guides the sincere seeker into ever-deeper stations and opens the lights and knowledge within the path. The publisher, Amina al-Jamal, has been heard to say that all of the teachings in Sidi’s other books are contained within this book, as well.
If you are newer to the path we recommend you start by reading and writing “The 28 Stations of the Way” and continue reading and writing until you complete the entire book. For many years this was the first book Sidi recommended to his students, before any other.
All beloveds with the rank of teacher or higher are asked to read, write, and take the time to deeply understand the wisdom contained within this book.
You can purchase this book from Sidi Muhammad Press at sufimaster.org.
He Who Knows Himself Knows His Lord
A few years before his passing, Sidi began recommending students read, write, and study this book first. In this small book Sidi provides the traveler with encouragement and an important understanding of veils within the self that are both blameworthy and praiseworthy. He Who Knows Himself Knows His Lord uses a simpler, but no less profound, blueprint of ascension for the travel in the form of a 7 station model (as opposed to the 28 station model outlined in Music of the Soul). Sidi also reveals some of the meanings of perfection.
If you are newer to the path, we recommend you start by reading and writing the stations and continue reading and writing until you complete the entire book.
All beloveds with the rank of master teacher or higher are asked to read, write, and take the time to deeply understand the wisdom contained in this book.
You can purchase this book from Sidi Muhammad Press at sufimaster.org.
The Path to Allah, Most High
This was the first book presented by Sidi after Music of the Soul that revealed stations and states important for the seeker in their ascension. It contains the blueprint for the traveler in the form of the 7 stations of the nafs (and this was the first time Sidi taught his students using this model). For several years Sidi urged everyone to read and write and study this book in order to know it completely. It truly is a gem that holds deep secrets of purification, as well as resplendent jewels of transcendent Light.
If you are newer to the path, we recommend you start by reading and writing the stations and continue reading and writing until you complete the entire book.
All beloveds with the rank of naqib or higher are asked to read, write, and take the time to deeply understand the wisdom contained within this book.
You can purchase this book from Sidi Muhammad Press at sufimaster.org.
The Secret of the Spirit
This book is a compilation of selected teachings Sidi gave in the U.S. in 2007 as he traveled from Sufi School to Sufi School around the country. The writing style of this book (and all of the transcription books produced by SSC) is simple, clear, and powerful. Topics include: commentaries on the 7 Stations of the Nafs as taught in The Path to Allah, Most High and commentaries on numerous teachings from He Who Knows Himself Knows His Lord. This book also contains special spiritual practices and healing methods not published anywhere else.
This book is appropriate for beginners and more advanced students working with the texts listed above to read and write and study, insha’allah.
You will be able to purchase this book through SSC in the near future, insha’allah. It may be available for purchase on amazon.com.
The Reality of Imagination
This book provides a rare glimpse into the world of imagination, within the world of images, revealing the names of the Reality. Imagination provides both the dense and subtle qualities of the human being with the only path to true knowledge of self and God, because imagination brings intelligible meanings down into sensory forms. It is vital to understand how to clean the imagination, because when we allow imagination filtered through veils of misunderstanding to influence us, we allow the nafs and shaytan to influence our perception and understanding.
This book is geared towards advanced students who are firmly grounded in their walking on the path.
All beloveds with the rank of murabbi or higher are asked to read, write, and take the time to deeply understand this book.
You can purchase this book from Sidi Muhammad Press at sufimaster.org.
Stories of the Prophets
Every prophet embodies a station on the spiritual journey, with each holding a deeper station than the one before him. Knowing the lives and messages of the prophets gives us ways to recognize the divine plan in all parts of life. The challenges and hardships a prophet faces and how he emerges through it with a deeper proximity to Allah are the lessons we can take to heart and learn from without having the live them ourselves. In this way, they have served as sacrifices for us all, and we should honor and be grateful for them.
All beloveds are encouraged to read, write, and deeply understand these teachings, as they provide guidance for all of us.
You can purchase this book from Sidi Muhammad Press at sufimaster.org.
The Meaning of the Names of Our Lord
Sidi wrote this book during the earlier part of his adulthood and it remained unpublished for many years. As you may know, every list of Divine Names may only contain 99 Names, in addition to Allah (which is always listed first and not included in the count of 99), making the total 100. Most lists that you see online and in books are basically the same, with small variations. This list of Names is unconventional and exceptionally beautiful. Take the time to contemplate and do remembrance with each Name, allowing the healing contained within it to transform you.
All beloveds are strongly encouraged to read, write, memorize, and deeply understand these Names, as they offer healing and transformation for every illness, every character flaw, every misunderstanding, and every veil.
You can purchase this book from Sidi Muhammad Press at sufimaster.org.
Children of the Truth
This is one of Sidi’s first books, and it remains a classic. In the same way that we learn deeply from the stories of the prophets, we also learn from the stories of the Sufi saints. Many of these saints started in low socio-economically positions where education was not easily accessibly or with character traits that needed purification. Each of these holy beloveds came to complete realization in the ocean of Allah’s love and understanding. The understandings of the Sufi way that Sidi presents are not new but deeply rooted in the experience of many who came before us.
If you are newer to the path, read this book to deepen your himma (yearning) and gain inspiration for the travels ahead. This book is appropriate for anyone at any level of walking.
All beloveds with the rank of teacher or higher are asked to read, write, and take the time to deeply understand this book.
You can purchase this book from Sidi Muhammad Press at sufimaster.org.
Deeper Meaning Behind the Pillars of Islam
There are five required religious observations for all Muslims, traditionally called the 5 Pillars of Islam. Most books covering the five pillars discuss only the formal or outward aspects of the practices. However, each pillar contains many lessons, secrets and gifts for the journey, t explained here with devotion and knowledge.
If you are newer to the path, read this book to gain a deeper understanding of the 5 pillars, along with the book Religion of Unity. If you are a person who is drawn to structure and ritual, don’t hesitate to dive into this ocean of Divine Protection which is based in the deepest love.
You can purchase this book from Sidi Muhammad Press at sufimaster.org.
The Ocean of the Mercy
This beautiful book contains the life story of the Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah shine upon him with never-ending resplendence and mercy. With Sidi’s permission, this book was written by Sidi’s long-time student Maryam Muhammad Abdullah, who contained Sidi’s spirit completely. It is based primarily on the version of the Prophet’s life story called Sirat Rasul Allah by Ibn Ishaq, the hadith (information related by the Prophet to his wives, companions, and brothers and sisters in the way, commentary from the Greatest Shaykh, Muhyi-id-din Ibn al-Arabi, and commentary from Sidi.
Here is what Sidi said about this book when it was first published:
“I would like to open the way for you to know some of the Prophet’s life (ṣalla-llahu ʿalayhi wa sallam), which we published in this book. The preparation for this book took more than seven years. The lady who wrote it is named Maryam, and she used to live in Jerusalem with me in the zawiya. I taught her how to read Arabic, write Arabic and understand the Qur’an. She wrote the whole Qur’an…This book contains the reality of the truth of our most beloved Messenger Muhammad (salla-llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) who actualized the true message of Islam. It is not the Islam that you hear about. Those who have disfigured Islam are those who do not understand. The true Islam came down to our Prophet Muhammad (salla-llāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) as the sḫarīʿa, the divine outer law, and the ḥaqīqa, the Reality and Truth.”
“This book was written and reviewed accurately, and it shows the life and the events of the Prophet (salla-llāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam). It describes how he treated his wife, daughters, and the people he used to invite and call to Allah. This book is precise. He was on earth. He was under their feet, serving people, teaching them how to carry peace, love, mercy, and justice. This is an actualization of the true Islam, surrendered to Allah. This is why I recommend it to you, and I ask you and invite you to buy it and read it and understand it, so that you can see both his human life and his real life. This book has reached nine universities all over the world. It will be taught in these universities. It will spread even more, so copies are limited. I invite you to obtain it as soon as you can, God willing. I would like you to hear something from it.”
Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i ash-Shadhili, The Religion of Unity, Shadhiliyya Sufi Center, 2006. pp. 121-122.
All beloveds are strongly encouraged to read, write, memorize, and deeply understand this book on our beloved Prophet Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets, as he is the ultimate example of a surrendered nafs, a perfected character, and Divine Love and Mercy.
You can purchase this book from Sidi Muhammad Press at sufimaster.org.
Early in Sidi’s time teaching in the U.S., he gave us a long, beautiful prayer to recite every day and study deeply: the Wadhifa. The Wadhifa is the signature litany of the founder of the Shadhiliyya Sufi path, Sidi ‘Abd as-Salam ibn Mashish. In it, Sidi ‘Abd as-Salam ecstatically praises our beloved Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallim, and asks for his help in the most beautiful way. Our guide Sidi, may Allah be pleased with him and give him proximity, has unveiled this prayer for us by providing an explanation of many of the Wadhifa’s hidden meanings. Allow your spirit to soar as you read, recite, and understand this holy prayer and the equally holy explanation. May Allah bless you.
If you are newer to the path, we recommend you start by reading, reciting, and writing the Wadhifa.
All beloveds with the rank of master teacher or higher are asked to recite the Wadhifa as part of their regular spiritual practices.
You can purchase this book from Sidi Muhammad Press at sufimaster.org.
Conversations in the Zawiyah
This book contains conversations with and questions for the guide in his zawiyah in Jerusalem between 1977 and 1986. He addresses many relationship issues and questions on various topics. Easy-to-read and understand in its question and answer format, this is a great book for beginners with basic questions about the teachings and the Sufi path.
If you are newer to the path, we recommend you start by reading and writing this book, starting wherever you wish, until you complete it.
All beloveds with the rank of teacher or higher are asked to read, write, and take the time to deeply understand the wisdom contained in this book.
You can purchase this book from Sidi Muhammad Press at sufimaster.org.
Spiritual Medicine and Natural Remedies
This is the first book on healing written and compiled by Sidi, and as its title suggests, it contains both prayer/energetic healing methods as well as natural remedies using foods and herbs. There are natural remedies for all types of conditions and ailments, ranging from toothaches to diabetes and special prayers for protection or against shaytanic harm. There are prayers and recitations to heal the mind, spirit, and body from all types of subtle diseases.
All beloveds newer to the path are strongly encouraged to use the methods in this book with the guidance of an experienced Sufi teacher, healer, or mentor.
You can purchase this book from Sidi Muhammad Press at sufimaster.org.
More of Sidi’s books will be added to this list over time, insha’allah.