The Month of Nearness to Allah
About the Month of Rajab
Rajab is one of the four holy months in the year, alhamdulillah. The other three holy months occur consecutively but Rajab stands alone, separately from the others. During the holy months our actions have greater weight in the eyes of Allah, Most High. Your good deeds earn greater rewards and your bad deeds negatively impact you more significantly.
Because Rajab is a sacred month, it offers us a special time of nearness to Allah, Most High. Fighting (war) is prohibited and it is a time to be thankful for what Allah has given us. During this month, the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) strongly recommended we spend a lot of time making tawba (repentance) and giving for the Face of Allah (charity, service, fasting, extra prayers, etc.).
The increased tawba Allah recommends during this month provides an opportunity for you to open to Ramadan in a deeper way. Spend as much time as you can making tawba and seeking Allah’s forgiveness, insha’allah. Allah says, “Remember Me and I will remember you.” (Qur’an 2:152)
The First Night of Rajab
The first night of Rajab is one of the five nights during which Allah says, “Yes” to all of your personal prayers (du`a). This is a night to ask Allah’s forgiveness and to spend time communing with Him, insha’allah. On this night it’s strongly recommended to do extra salah and dhikr (see the practices PDF below) and it’s sunnah to fast on the first day of Rajab. These practices are generally recommended for the entire month of Rajab, as it is part of how we prepare ourselves for Ramadan, insha’allah.
Rajab 1 Du’a
There are many different hadith on practices that benefit the traveler during Rajab, alhamdulillah. This is one that was shared with our community a few years ago. May it benefit you and bring you peace, amin.
When the worshipper has duly performed his salah on the first night of Rajab, the sunna is to offer the following du’a (prayer):
“O Allah, to You the applicants apply this night, to You the aspirants aspire, and for Your gracious bounty and beneficence the seekers look in hope. You have special favors [nafahat] to bestow this night, and prizes and gifts and presents.
You will bestow them upon whomever You choose from among Your servants, and You will withhold them from those who are not ready to receive Your providential care [‘inaya].
Well, here am I, Your servant who is sorely in need of You, hoping for Your gracious bounty and beneficence!
If it pleases You, O my Master [Ya Maulaa-ya], to bestow Your Grace this night upon one of Your creatures, and if You will be so generous as to grant him/her a favor out of Your kindness, then bless Sayyidina Muhammad and his family, and let me enjoy Your Superabundance and Beneficence, Ya Rabbal-‘Aalameen!”
Classes for Observing Rajab 1 are complete
Alhamdulillah, our December 2024 classes on observing the first of Rajab are complete. If you wish to attend the khalwa on the eve of Dec 31, 2024, check the TeamUp calendar for the Zoom access link.
al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj
The Prophet’s Night Journey and Ascension (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam)
The Isra’ wal-Mi`raj is the single night in which Allah had the Angel Jibril (alayhi-s-salam) lead the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa salam) on a sacred expedition, riding the winged steed Buraq. This expedition began at the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca and explored sacred sites in the area (Madinah, Mt. Sinai, and more) until they reached the al-Aqsa Masjid in Jerusalem, where he led many of the prophets in prayer (alayhi-s-salam).
The Prophet then ascended through each of the 7 heavens in a journey that can only be described as miraculous. During this time our beloved Messenger met many angels, prophets, messengers, believers, disbelievers, and shayatin. He was given wisdom about the barzakh, the Fire, and the Garden. As always, our beloved Messenger was humble and always open to learning from the Angel Jibril what Allah wanted him to know. The culmination of the journey was his meeting face-to-face with his Most Beloved Lord Allah, subhanahu wa ta`ala, after which he was returned to Mecca. All of this took place in a single night, masha’allah.
The Isra’ wal-Mi`raj was a powerful sign to everyone in Mecca–all of the disbelievers and all of the believers–that Allah and His religion of Islam are True. This miraculous journey was given to our Prophet and to all of us as a great mercy and source of ease, alhamdulillahi-rabbil-`alamin. The significance of this event cannot be overstated–it is the second greatest miracle Allah gave our Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam), following only the Holy Qur’an, the Word of Allah. There is great wisdom in every aspect of this miraculous event and we can all benefit from studying it closely, insha’allah.
Join us for The Caravan of Secrets: Hadith on the Isra’ wal-Mi’raj
A Reading & Discussion Group with Said Bin Yunusfor Classes & Khalwa on Isra’ wal-Mi`raj
In 2025, Imam Said Bin Yunus will be offering a study series during which the group will explore a masterful collection of Hadith on this miraculous event. You can learn more about it and register here, insha’allah.
Join us for our General Programming on Isra’ wal-Mi`raj
SSC typically offers classes and hosts a khalwa to honor the Prophet’s Night Journey and Ascension (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam). Join us any or all of these classes and rediscover the wonder of one of the miracles of Islam, insha’allah.
If you register for this series you are automatically registered for all of the classes and the khalwa, insha’allah. You may come to as many or few of the offerings as you wish.