Spiritual Retreat
Zawiya is a spiritual retreat, a time for greater silence, rest, and to be deeply held in love. This is a structured retreat in which you will be gently guided through traditional Sufi practices, such as remembrance, al wird, salah, and writing the stations, to experience your heart turning to face only Allah.
Zawiya literally means “a corner,” a place where you go to be alone with Allah. While in zawiya you leave your shoes at the door, meaning you set aside the outer world of job, relationships, positions, etc., and solely focus on your relationship to Allah.
Sidi says that zawiya is a special time in a special place for a special person. Zawiya can be done in any private corner but it is recommended that you go to a place where you can receive support and guidance. The two main zawiya hosts are Amina al-Jamal in Petaluma, CA, and The Farm of Peace in Warfordsburg PA. Check with your local community for opportunities to enter zawiya near you.