I take refuge in Allah from the shaytan who should be stoned

Audhu billahi mina-shaytani-r-rajim” translated is, “I take refuge in Allah from the evil whisperer who should be stoned.” This is what the Sufi says whenever they sense some form of darkness or evil is near, whenever they are in a place or with people who make us feel uncomfortable, or whenever we hear what we have come to recognize as the whispering of darkness, the stirring up of your nafs (ego self), or anytime we feel something pulling us away from the Light and inclining us towards darkness in the form of dark thoughts or dark actions.
It is ok to shorten it to “audhu billah.” It’s also OK to add “bismillahi rahmani rahim” immediately afterward to invoke Allah’s mercy and compassion. Experiment and see what works best for you.
Say it with firmness and conviction and Allah will separate you from the darkness and protect you. The degree of protection that comes will be respective of the degree of trust, faith, and intimacy you enjoy with your Beloved. Once I asked Sidi how to deal with the strong voices that were inciting me towards what I knew to be wrong action and his answer to shout, “Say: Ya Allah! And Allah will come immediately to your aid.” Experiment for yourself saying, “audhu billahi mina-shaytani-r-rajim” or “Ya Allah” and see which one is more helpful for you.