When Allah makes a person sick, this is a rank or a station. Through the sickness, if there is a chance for him, he knows, and he feels himself through what Allah gives him. Look at the Prophet Ayyub (Job), may peace and blessings be upon him. Allah sent him sickness and through his sickness, put him in a deep a very holy station. But he surrendered always and he trusted in his Beloved God. This is a teaching for all the beloveds and this is the complete jalal. He took the complete chance through this station and always thanked Allah. Form the love, if your Beloved puts you in the Fire, surrender completely. Then He changes this Fire to be a Garden, as He did with the Prophet Ibrahim, may peace and blessings be upon him. After that He gave him a new creation and He gives this to all who follow Him and who see Him – the same creation.
Because of that it is very important for the beloved, who walks in the Way of the Love and the Knowing to always say, “My Beloved God, use me as You like, but don’t cast me out from Your Face.” And this is the safe way for everyone who walks in our Way. Give what you can and pray for everybody who is crying in the polite way. Everything that Allah does, my beloved son, is completely perfect.
Excerpt from Conversations in the Zawiyah by Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Said al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i
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