Sidi, how can I find Allah?
If you want to come to Allah, you will find Him beside you. If you want Allah, you must be polite because Allah is not outside of you. First look inside. Many people read about the truth (al-haqq) because they want to know, but Allah is not with a person if he does not want to know Allah from his heart. Allah will not give you this truth unless you are sincere. If you are not sincere with everything, you will not reach. This is your message.
You cannot know the truth if you do not weep for the time you have lost. If you truly wants to know Allah, He will give you everything. But your must be clean. How else can he give you what you want? Allah puts everything in it place.
Allah is very rich. He can give anyone what He wants. If a person wants money, He can give him money, or love, or mercy. All this is easy for Him. If you want Him, this is difficult, but you can reach if He helps you. If you walk straight, you will find Allah; but if you do not walk straight, how will you find Allah?
Allah can bring you from America or Europe or anywhere and put you in this place. If anyone wants Allah he can come to this house and Allah will lead him to find Him. Then you can pray and reach what you want. You can reach Allah because He has given you the time to thank Him.
The truth is very expensive. The price of truth is everything. But if you can give everything to Allah, Allah will give you everything. You are everything and He gives you Himself. You are His picture, so keep this picture for Him; not everyone has this chance. You must be in prayer all your time, and no one can contain you except the family of Allah.
You need to remember the Name of Allah. You need the time to pray and to remember the Name of Allah to walk in the way. To know the meaning of the way it is important to pray, so do not leave the prayer. If you leave this prayer and remembrance, you leave the meaning of the family of Allah. When you reach, you need to remember everything, and understand what you have reached to know everything. Pray in your tongue but also in the eye of your heart.
Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Said al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i ash-Shadhdhuliyyah, Conversations in the Zawiyah (Sidi Muhammad Press: Petaluma, CA, 1999). 183.