When you love your brothers and sister, when you give everything to your brothers and sisters, and when you see the face o God in your brothers and sisters and leave everything outside… When you do this, then you begin to listen to what God wants from you. Then you begin to carry the message, the holy message of the truth. You must empty yourself of all things. Then your body becomes very holy. Everything from the body of your brothers and sisters is also very holy because there is no difference between you ad he – he is she and she is he.
This is from the beginning, and there is no beginning and no end, if you know what I mean by no beginning and no end. It is like the light, there is no beginning and no end to the light. You are the light, and your brothers and sisters are the reflection of this light, but show the light for all to see. Reflect this light from the eye of your heart.
What kind of light is this? It is the Light of God. I only say that it is in your heart because your heart is the house of God. Clean this house because He wants to sit inside your heart. Why does He sit inside your heart? Only because He loves you. When He loves you, then you love Him. This is from Him, not from you. Then you begin to love Him and to follow Him. Everything is from God. Thank your God if He chooses you to love Him. I do not love the love for love’s sake; I only love to see the Face of my God. I need to see Him all the time. If I was discharged from the garden, how could I live?
It is necessary to walk in the way through all these stations. You reach station after station until you understand the meaning of every station. It is necessary for you to know why you walk, and who you are in every station. Then you reach completion, and you know that you are a student of God. Many people who walk in the way reach the middle, but then they are discharged because they are not polite. How could you live if you are discharged? It is difficult for anyone who has known the truth, to live again in the darkness, in a world filled with troubles. But God does not leave anyone whom He places in the garden of His love. He will not discharge you if you become real, and open your heart completely. Then you will find what you want, and you will not lose anything.
He asks you about every minute. Listen, because every word is the word of your God. He speaks in every soul, but listen to what He says to you. He says, “I am here but see Me in yourself.”
In God there is no inside and no outside. Empty yourself of all but God. Empty yourself of everything that exists. What do you want except God? When you pray, see only your God and nothing else. If you say, “I need…” What do you need? You need His language. If you sing a song, sing to Him because He knows the meaning of your singing. There are many things in this world, but leave everything. Everything will pass except your reality. Leave your mother, leave your father, leaver your brother, leave your sister and come to sit with God and live between His family. You can see the face of God in any face but especially the faces of your brothers and sisters. But in reality there are no brothers and no sisters. Who made the faces? There are no faces – only One. Make no difference between anyone. Only the human being makes the difference because God does not know differences in anything. He knows only love, and He has put the secret love inside you, for you to discover this love.
Die! You must die now! Let everything die now but your God and be born again. Return to be like a child, cleansed to return to the first world – al-azal (pre-eternity). This is what God wants from you. To return everything so that you are like the child you were born. Everyone of the family of God must be like a child with their soul a clean white picture coming from God. When you are like a child, you can sit around the Table of God and drink from the wine of the truth. Everything in the world from the truth is on the table. When you have left everything behind you then you can return to be like this child. You must be born again and again until everything dark inside you has died.
Make everything die inside you now because then you travel from this world, and there is no death. This is your chance now, in this life, to be born again so that you can know God. This is from the secret. You must change everything. This is a holy life if you want it. This is from your heart; how can you not feel it?
Wash with holy water, the water of truth. I want everyone to do this inside and outside. This is also what God wants from you. It has a very deep meaning. Each time you wash is very holy because you clean your soul with the water of the truth. If you open your heart, God will show you everything that I have said. There is nothing else in this world.
You are a jewel and you see the glass, but break this glass to find the secret inside. This is the water; this is the way; this is the completion for you. This is the difference between the sufi way, and any other religion. I want you to know everything in one month, not in many years. I want you to be the guide because you are the secret. There is no difference between the guide and you, but he knows everything inside anyone’s heart. What is the difference? Why do you not know?
Give everything to know. You must weep for the time you have lost. But this is different weeping – it is beautiful praying. God loves this weeping from you. He wants to see you pray and weep, but like the child. When a child begins to weep near his mother, this is not really weeping…it is praying. Then the mother takes him into her arms and gives him mercy and does not leave him. Give everything to know the meaning of this.
There are many meanings and many things inside my heart to explain to you. This is the sufi way; this is the way of the love. In the sufi way you can find everything. This is from the message but no one can understand until he loses everything.
La ilaha illa’llah…there is nothing but God.
p. 21 Conversations in the Zawiyah