What is SSC?
Shadhiliyya Sufi Communities (SSC) is the DBA for Shadhiliyya Sufi Center, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, licensed in the state of Wyoming to operate as a church under the Wyoming Nonprofit Corporation Act. SSC is the umbrella organization Sidi established in 1997 to serve the entire community, including all of the regions and beloveds in our North American community. SSC also offers support and services to our international communities, including Mexico, Argentina, England, and beloveds worldwide.
Our Purpose
To reach every heart that longs for the Divine.
What Do We Do?
- SSC is the communications and community support hub for the North American Shadhiliyya Sufi community started by our guide, Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i ash-Shadhili.
- SSC receives and distributes donations to those in need in the U.S.
- SSC manages the properties it owns in Pope Valley, CA. Learn what’s happening there now.
- SSC offers accessible classes on topics related to Sufism for no cost, and it maintains the community TeamUp calendar.
- SSC organizes group worship and education for community religious observances, such as Ramadan, Hajj, Mawlid, and other holy days.
- SSC initiates community projects focused on creating unity within our community.
- SSC does the necessary work to meet the needs of the community and to maintain its legal non-profit status.
- SSC maintains this website in order to provide services and resources to all beloveds.
Our Mission
- Preserve and share the teachings of our guide Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal.
- Be a resource hub that cares for the hearts of beloveds and the holy communities they build.
- Support beloveds walking through our program offers, website, outreach, gatherings, and community building efforts.
- Work towards supporting our affiliated organizations, their holy missions, and their service to the world.
Our Core Values
Reliance – We humbly rely on Allah for guidance, and strive to surrender our decision- making to the Divine.
Humble Service – We serve God and humanity with humble hearts. We strive to work together and collaborate on that which serves the greater good whenever possible.
Honesty and Integrity – Consistently connecting with and standing in what we know to be true and being congruent in our words and actions.
Self-responsibility – We hold ourselves accountable for the way we speak, what we say, choices we make, and actions we take. We have the willingness to embrace discomfort when it arises and see our impact in any situation, making tawba a regular practice.
Kindness & Compassion –We practice kindness and compassion with ourselves and each other.
Adab – Being in alignment with Allah in each moment, and following the Divine message of peace, love, mercy, justice, and freedom.
Seek Counsel – We recognize we have the need for spiritual counsel and direction and seek support on issues impactful to the organization and community.
Welcoming of all faiths and people – We welcome newcomers and accept where they are in their spiritual lives into this Sufi community and we hold the door open wide for Love’s transformation of the hearts and souls of all people.Our Intentions and Commitment to Service
Who Runs SSC?
The SSC Board of Directors oversees the day-to-day work performed by subcontractors.
How are Board Members Selected?
Sidi put the following system in place–North America is divided into 8 regions: Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, South Central, Midwest, Northern California, Southwest, and Northwest. Each region elects 7 members to form its own Regional Council. Two people from each Regional Council are selected to serve on the SSC Board of Directors for a term of 1-3 years. New board members can be accepted onto the board at any time.
Two to three times a year, the Board of Directors holds a members meeting during which updates are given, proposed amendments to bylaws are approved, and issues are raised and discussed as needed.
Board of Directors
- Abdullah Pat Aylward: North Central region rep., Chairman, Executive Committee, Outreach Committee, Fundraising Committee abdullahaylward@sscboard.org
- Ruhayyah Andrea Ferrante: Northeast region rep., Vice-Chair, Executive Committee, Governance Committee, Outreach Committee ruhayyahferrante@sscboard.org
- Rahim Jon Bushard: Midwest region rep., Treasurer, Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Beloveds In Need Committee, Projects Committee, rahimbushard@sscboard.org
- Aziz Jack Sanford: South Central region rep., Secretary, Executive Committee, Outreach Committee, Fundraising Committee, Land Committee azizsanford@sscboard.org
- Jannah Betty Godlas: Southeast region rep., Beloveds In Need Committee, Governance Committee jannahgodlas@sscboard.org
- Amin Daniel Colman: Southwest region rep., Land Committee amincolman@sscboard.org
- Halwa Tracey Panuschka: Northern CA & Hawaii rep., Projects Committee, Land Committee halwapanuschka@sscboard.org
- Halima Rabiah Bonnie Gibson: Southeast region rep, Outreach Committee, Fundraising Committee, halimagibson@sscboard.org
- Hassan Roy Martin: Northwest region rep., Finance Committee, Fundraising Committee hassanmartin@sscboard.org
- Kamila Carolyn Shenmen: South Central region rep., Governance Committee, Projects Committee kamilashenmen@sscboard.org
- Rifqa Leah Savage: Northeast region rep. rifqasavage@sscboard.org
- Rahima Susan Schmall: Southwest region rep., Programs Committee rahimaschmall@sscboard.org
Board Member Requirements
You must:
- Be nominated by your Regional Members Council
- Willing and able to give 4-8 hours per week
- Available for twice monthly Wednesday evening board meetings
- Serve on at least one committee, preferably two
- Have working skills the board needs
- Be accountable and responsive to communications by email, text, and phone
- Understand and support SSC’s Mission, Intentions and Commitment to Service
- Sign a confidentiality agreement
- Uphold and obey all existent SSC bylaws
- Be responsible for your own spiritual walking and self care
- Be a good team player
- Be committed to serving the greater good of community
Our Community Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics documents below were developed by the Ansar Council in an effort to help create a loving, healthy community, and to embody the love, peace, mercy, justice, freedom and unity. These documents serve as the basis for a larger, community-wide conversation on our tariqa’s culture, ethics, and power dynamics and were approved by SSC’s Board of Directors on October 9, 2024. Insha’allah, the community conversation will continue to take place via ongoing Jami’ Initiative classes and sohbets. Please direct questions and feedback to the Ansar Council.
- Code of Ethics – Main document
- SSC’s Code of Ethics
- Code of Ethics for Teachers, Leaders, and Healers
- Code of Ethics for Students/Community Members
Our Annual Reports
These are end-of-year financial reports showing SSC’s expenses and income, insha’allah alhamdulillah.