Abdullah Pat Aylward
North Central region rep., Board Chair, Executive Committee, Outreach Committee, Fundraising Committee
Abdullah Patrick Aylward, Board Chair, is a Muqaddam Murrabi Ruhi and founder of Sufi Center Minnesota. He took bay’ah with Sidi Muhammad al Jamal in 2002. He graduated from the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism in 2005. He has been a board member and officer of a number of non-profits. He was a Board member of Project for Pride in Living (PPL) from 1985-2010 and served as its Chair from 2001-2007. PPL is a large Minnesota non-profit organization whose mission is to provide housing, job training and education for poor and moderate income people. He served as Treasurer of Shadhiliyya Sufi Communities (SSC) from 2005-2009. He served as Co-Chair of the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism from 2009-2015.
Ruhayyah Andrea Ferrante
Northeast region rep., Vice-Chair, Executive Committee, Governance Committee, Outreach Committee
Rahim Jon Bushard
Midwest region rep., Treasurer, Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Beloveds In Need Committee, Projects Committee, National Gathering Committee
Rahim Jon Bushard represents the Minnesota community on the SSC board. He was first exposed to the Sufi path through his beloved Yasmine Cindy Libman when she and he hosted our Guide Sidi in their home in 2011. He took hand at that time but only since 2018, has he stepped more fully onto the Path. He is presently serving as tech support for the Institute for Spiritual Healing and as a participant in the Advanced Sufi Walking Three class with Ibrahim Jaffe and Salima Adelstein.
Aziz Jack Sanford
South Central region rep., Secretary, Executive Committee, Outreach Committee, Fundraising Committee, Land Committee
Jannah Betty Godlas
Southeast region rep., Assistant Treasurer, Finance Committee, Beloveds In Need Committee
Sukayna Ronda Mau
Northwest region rep., Programming Committee, Governance Committee, Outreach Committee, Fundraising Committee
The two words that best describe my life experience is being a seeker to understand and live the deeper meanings of existence, and a love of service. I discovered the opening to this path’s understandings and transformations to be what I had been looking for my whole life, and met Sidi as my journey’s guide in 2004.
As a psychotherapist for almost 40 years, I have been so grateful for all I have learned from Sidi about many secrets to healing that have helped my clients and myself. I have 2 adult children and 4 amazing grandchildren, each with their own bright light. My husband crossed the barrier between this world and eternity almost 20 years ago, after 25 years of marriage.
Allah kept me in the Sufi University from 2004-2019, as always a student (but only the tuition paying kind for 3 years, and part of the teaching/support team for the remainder of those years, except for a short break in the middle). Since late 2017, Allah has continued to grow my faith and love for Him by the gift of serving on the community Nonprofit Board of Directors. I chair the Program Committee to continue to spread the wisdom of the teachings and support others in expressing what Allah has put in their hearts to share. Please visit the program pages on this website to see all that is available.
My door and heart are always open if you may wish to walk the path side by side together for a while, or even if you simply have questions. I may not have answers, but I am grateful to sit with hearts as we seek and ponder together, seeking Allah’s guidance.
Amin Daniel Colman
Southwest region rep., Land Committee, National Gathering Committee
Amin Colman embarked on his journey with Sufism in 2008 when he was invited to a Sufi healing workshop in Northern California. Immediately he discovered his passion for the depth and profundity of the Sufi path and soon after enrolled in the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism in 2011. He graduated from the Peacemaking Master’s program at USHS in 2017 and is now a part-time faculty member at the University. He loves sharing his love of the Sufi path with others and loves focusing on practical applications for personal healing and spiritual transformation. He lives in Los Angles, CA.
Halwa Tracey Panuschka
Northern CA & Hawaii rep., Projects Committee, Land Committee
There is nothing, only Allah (swa)