As-salamu ‘alaykum, brothers and sisters and fellow travelers. We want to take a moment to recognize and address the difficult time we are in as a community and as a world. There is so much pain and difficulty happening in Gaza and the Middle East. What can we do? How can we help those in need and how can we help ourselves manage how we feel about it?
The first answer–which is the real answer for every difficulty we face–is to remember Allah, subhanallah wa ta’ala.
Sometimes, remembrance takes the form of being by yourself or in a group doing dhikr (e.g. tawba, al-wird, al-wadhifa, etc.). At other times, it is acting to promote Allah’s Truth, Justice, Peace, and Mercy, jalla jalalahu (His glory is so high) subhanahu wa ta’ala (most exalted is He).
Here are some ways in which you can engage in both types of remembrance in order to create more peace and justice in the Holy Land, in yourself, and in the world, insha’allah. It is our hope that this list is just the beginning of a community dialogue on ways to care for others and ourselves during this time. Your comments below will make the conversation fuller, more complete, and more beautiful, insha’allah amin.
Praying for Peace and Justice
Making personal prayers (du’a’) was highly recommended by Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, and the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Allah told us in His Qur’an, “Remember Me and I will remember you” (2:152) and “Call upon Me, I will respond to you.” (40:60). Praying to Allah, Most High, for what you need and for what your heart deeply desires is an important and powerful form of remembrance.
1. A Sunnah Prayer for Peace
In our tradition, there are many prayers for peace. Primary among them is the prayer our guide used to recite at the end of every salah and at the begining of every teaching.
اللهم انت السلام ومنك السلام
و إليك يعود السلام
تباركت ربنا وتعاليت
يا ذوالجلال والإكرام
allāhumma anta-s-salām wa minka-s-salām
wa ilayka ya’ūdu-s-salām
tabārakta rabbanā wa taʾalayt yā dẖū-l-jalāli wa-l-’ikrām
Oh Allah, You are Peace and from You comes Peace.
Give us Peace.
Blessed are You, our Lord,
oh Lord of Majesty and Bounty.
You can recite this prayer when Sidi did. You can also recite it any time you feel moved to pray for Allah’s Peace and Justice.
There are other prayers for peace you can add, if you wish. And as with all du’a, share with your Lord from the depths of your heart in a polite way, knowing that your prayer will be answered.
Best Times & Circumstances for Du’a
Naturally, you should pray whenever you are moved to do so. And–it is completely acceptable to engage in a voluntary practice to increase your prayer’s chance of being accepted by our Beloved, subhanahu wa ta’ala. Insha’allah, take advantage of these auspicious moments each day to pray for peace and justice in the Holy Land, in yourself, and in our world.
Times of Day
- In the last third of the night
- At midnight
- After the sun has reached its zenith and before dhuhr prayer
Before, During or After Salah
- Between the recitation of the adhan and the ‘iqama
- Anytime after the obligatory or sunnah words of that position have been said
- During prostration
- Immediately before giving salams to the angel on your right
- After praising Allah and sending prayers upon the Prophet after finishing
- When you hear the crowing of a rooster
- During rainfall
Special Days
- On Fridays during a hidden hour. If you pray salah during that hour and make a du’a, Allah Most High will answer it.
- On special days, such as Lailat al-Qadr, the Day of Arafah, the whole month of Ramadan, and the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah
- When a group of believers gather to remember Allah
- When prostrating
- When fasting
- Immediately before breaking your fast
- Immediately before drinking zamzam water (you pray for Allah to fulfill the reason you are drinking the water)
- When traveling for the sake of Allah, Most High
2. Pray for Peace with Unity Peace Prayer
Unity Peace Prayer is hosting prayers for peace on an ongoing basis. Prayers are offered from 9:00 am – 11:00 am PT / 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm ET, Monday-Saturday. If your heart is called to offer prayers, please get in touch with Sara Madonna at 561-318-1372 or
To Join on Zoom
9:00 am – 11:00 am PT / 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm ET
until Oct 29, 2023:
See our TeamUp Calendar for one-tap mobile and dial-in options.
Ways to Give
Obligatory and voluntary charity are important means for developing compassion and remembering that we are all equal in our humanity and that we are all completely dependent upon Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, for everything. Helping people in difficult circumstances helps deepen our humility, compassion, empathy, and understanding. There are a number of ways you can give to help those in Gaza and Quds at this time.
Anera is a charity that has been helping people on the ground in Gaza since the 1970s. It is highly rated on and its website answers many questions you may have. In a recent communication, they wrote:
My colleagues in Gaza, whom I consider family, are working tirelessly to procure what they can locally. We are still providing food and hygiene supplies. Just today we served meals to 15,000 displaced people, delivered food parcels to 4,000 families, and delivered hygiene kits to another 5,000 in Khan Younis. And, over the last 8 days, we have distributed well over 200,000 meals.
Because of our experience working in Gaza since the 1970s, Anera has a strong network of local vendors, on-the-ground partners and a solid reputation among the people. We have activated all of these assets to deliver aid during this unbelievable moment. Our staff have identified suppliers in the south where people were told to evacuate and are already working to connect the displaced with food and hygiene supplies. People who fled south are unable to access these supplies on their own, they do not have the resources to obtain food, water, soap, and cleaning supplies from local stores. But we do.
2. Palestinian Children Relief Fund
Their Gaza Relief and Recovery campaign aims to address urgent humanitarian needs and support long-term recovery efforts in Gaza. The funds raised primarily focus on immediate relief, including providing essential medical supplies, food, medical treatment, clean water, and other necessities for families affected by the conflict. Additionally, they support rebuilding healthcare facilities and providing long-term support through impactful programs and projects to support the needs of children and the health sector in Gaza. Allocating resources towards trauma counseling, mental health support, and other initiatives for children affected by the conflict is also a priority.
3. Other Charitable Options
Other charities you could consider, insha’allah, are ActionAid, Doctors Without Borders, and Muslim Hands. As with any charity, be sure to check its rating on or and google them with the keywords “scam”, “complaint”, or “review”.
Activism In Daily Life
Alhamdulillah, our sister Najeeha made a wonderful suggestion in the comments below. A famous hadith of our beloved Messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, states:
“Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.”
Narrated by Abu Sa`id al-Khudree, radiyallahu anhu (Muslim, Hadith 34, 40 Hadith an-Nawawi)
Giving money can be a short-term solution and ease some of the immediate needs, but it is not getting to the root of the problem. Take a moment out of every day to:
- Call and/or send messages to your state legislators, asking them to help stop the oppression. can help.
- Raise awareness through social media and honest conversations with people in your life.
- Support organizations that work to shift the paradigm and dismantle the narrative about Palestine, like Visualizing Palestine, Adalah Justice Project, The Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy, Institute for Middle East Understanding,
- Start a petition.
- Educate yourself by watching movies, reading books and articles, and listening to what people are saying on both sides of the issue. Podcasts, audiobooks and TED Talks are also great ways to learn about the subject. Makan is a great resource.
- Vote, because your voice should be heard at the local and national levels.
Our Du’a
Oh Allah, we come to You and only You.
Because You are the Source of everything.
We come to You and only You,
Because You are the only respite for those in pain, sickness, hunger, thirst, homelessness, injury, grief, anger, helplessness, and need of all kinds.
We come to You, begging You for Your Peace, Your Mercy, Your Justice, Your Truth, Your Freedom for those who are oppressed in the Holy Land.
We come to You begging for You to help all of those who need Your care, in all of the ways they need it.
We come to You, asking for You to install righteous, just leaders in the Holy Land and in every land around the world.
Even with all that is happening, we know that You are the Source of Mercy.
In Your Book You have told us that those who die in Your cause are not truly dead, but they are alive.
Oh Allah, we are so grateful for Your Paradise for those who are killed unjustly.
Oh Allah, we are so grateful for Your Guidance, for Your Wisdom, and for Your Mercy.
Oh Allah, please guide each and every one of us in how to best give to help those who are suffering.
Please guide us in how to support our own hearts and the hearts of our loved ones who are crying.
Please support us and send us Your Mercy, Your Guidance, and Your Wisdom.
Please support everyone in this world with Your Truth, Your Justice, Your Peace, Your Freedom, and Your Mercy.
Oh Allah, we know that there is no Peace without Justice.
Please help us all, Allah. For You are the Only Help.
Thank You
We pray that this has been helpful and insha’allah, if you know of other reputable resources, please share them in the comments below. May Allah bless you.
Najeeha says
So beautifully written! I would also love an action item around activism itself. As the saying goes, if we cannot condemn evil with our hands, we should attempt with our tongues, and if not our tongues then with our hearts. There are so many ways to use our voice right now to protect Palestinians – bearing witness to their pain and raising awareness of it however we can (social media or through conversations with loved ones), calling our government representatives, showing up at protests and rallies, etc! Using our collective voice is the main thing activists at the frontlines are asking for right now (after Dua of course). It takes courage but it goes a long way for a people who are trying to survive an attempt at genocide.
Shams Wesley says
Thank you for that very helpful suggestion, Sister! What you said has been integrated into the main blog post, alhamdulillah. Refresh your page in order to see it, insha’allah.
Radiya Heather Austin, LAc says
Dear Najeeha, my heart needed to do more than pray, I needed to speak the message written in my heart from all the years with my Guide. So we made this video linked above…in connection with Mohommad Jamous. Please check it out! His family is seeking asylum and he has been actively working towards peace in the holy land. In 1 week, we were able to triple the amount of money in his go fund me…and this has felt very empowering–I am hoping more beloveds can help me in this…because on my own I can only accomplish so much, but as a community, we could do more in helping the asylum process. My heart was called to help, because I see the work he was focused on in the Holy Land, and to me, it is the work Sidi was so committed to.
Abdul Latif says
Looks like a worthy organization that works on the ground.
Shams Wesley says
Thank you for the suggestion, Abdul Latif. They reference having partners who are on the ground without specifying who they are. I’ve made an inquiry about this and insha’allah they will respond shortly. They have been listed under #4, Other Charitable Options.
Radiya Heather Austin, LAc says
Thank you! I have other friends on FB asking about how to find straight organizations to donate money to to help. So this information will be helpful to share to a wider audience too!