This is a self-care and healing method Sidi taught in 2006. He named it the Jewel Du’a because he says this prayer is as a special jewel. You can recite just the Arabic, just the English, or both. Simply place your hand on or near the area that needs healing and recite the prayer below, transmitting the energy.
If you’d like to receive this healing from an experienced healer, click here.
al-hamdu li-llahi rabbi-l-ʿalamin
wa-s-salatu wa-s-salamu ʿala- l-habibi-l-aʿdham
muhammadir-rasuli-llahi salla-llahu ̔alayhi wa sallama
wa alihi wa sahbihi wa saʾiri-l-anbiyaʾi wa-l-mursalin
Praise to Allah, Lord of the Worlds
and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the most beloved: Muhammad, the messenger of Allah and upon his family, companions and followers and upon all the prophets and messengers.
Asʾaluka ya Allah an taghfira li dhunubi bi-nuri hubbika-l-ilahi
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tuṭahira badani bi-nuri hubbika
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tuṭahira nafsi bi-nuri hubbika
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tuṭahira qalbi bi-nuri hubbika
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tuṭahira ruhi bi-nuri hubbika
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tuṭahira ʿaqli bi-nuri hubbika
I ask You, oh Allah, to forgive my sins by the light of Your divine love.
I ask You, oh Allah, to purify my body by the light of Your love.
I ask You, oh Allah, to purify my soul by the light of Your love
I ask You, oh Allah, to purify my heart by the light of Your love
I ask You, oh Allah, to purify my spirit by the light of Your love
I ask You, oh Allah, to purify my intellect by the light of Your love
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tahmi badani bi-nuri hubbika
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tahmi nafsi bi-nuri hubbika
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tahmi qalbi bi-nuri hubbika
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tahmi ruhi bi-nuri hubbika
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tahmi ʿaqli bi-nuri hubbika
I ask You, oh Allah, to protect my body by the light of Your love.
I ask You, oh Allah, to protect my soul by the light of Your love
I ask You, oh Allah, to protect my heart by the light of Your love
I ask You, oh Allah, to protect my spirit by the light of Your love
I ask You, oh Allah, to protect my intellect by the light of Your love
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tashfi badani bi-nuri hubbika
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tashfi nafsi bi-nuri hubbika
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tashfi qalbi bi-nuri hubbika
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tashfi ruhi bi-nuri hubbika
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tashfi ʿaqli bi-nuri hubbika
I ask You, oh Allah, to heal my body by the light of Your love.
I ask You, oh Allah, to heal my soul by the light of Your love
I ask You, oh Allah, to heal my heart by the light of Your love
I ask You, oh Allah, to heal my spirit by the light of Your love
I ask You, oh Allah, to heal my intellect by the light of Your love
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tuthabitani ʿala dinika bi-nuri hubbika
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tuthabita badani ʿala dinika bi-nuri hubbika ya karim
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tuthabita nafsi ʿala dinika bi-nuri hubbika ya karim
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tuthabita qalbi ʿala dinika bi-nuri hubbika ya karim
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tuthabita ruhi ʿala dinika bi-nuri hubbika ya karim
Asʾaluka ya Allah an tuthabita ʿaqli ʿala dinika bi-nuri hubbika ya karim
I ask You, oh Allah, to make me firm and steadfast in following Your religion by the light of Your love.
I ask You, oh Allah, to make my body steadfast in following Your religion by the light of Your love, oh Most Generous
I ask You, oh Allah, to make my soul steadfast in following Your religion by the light of Your love, oh Most Generous
I ask You, oh Allah, to make my heart steadfast in following Your religion by the light of Your love, oh Most Generous
I ask You, oh Allah, to make my spirit steadfast in following Your religion by the light of Your love, oh Most Generous I ask You, oh Allah, to make my intellect steadfast in following Your religion by the light of Your love, oh Most Generous
asʾaluka bismika-l-aʿdham ya Allah
wa bi-asrarika al-ʿudhma an tastajiba duʿaʾi
wa tahfidh ahibbaʾi min kulli dhi-sharr
wa min sharri kulli dabbah anta akhidhum-bi-nasiyatiha
ya Allah atawajahu ilayka bi-ruhi nabiyyika
wa bi-arwahi jamiʿi-l-ambiyaʾi
wa bi-asmaʾika-l-husna al-la tarudu duʿaʾi
I ask You, oh Allah, by Your glorious name and by Your greatest secrets that You accept my calling
And protect all my beloveds from every evil-doer and from the evil of every creature whose forelock You hold.
Oh Allah, I beseech You by the spirit of Your Prophet, and by the spirits of all the prophets and by Your beautiful names that You reject not my call!
Bi-haqqi asrari-l-fatihah.
al-hamdu-li-llahi rabbi-l-ʿalamin
maliki yowmi-d-din
ʾiyyaka naʿbudu wa ʾiyyaka nastaʿin
siraṭa-l-ladhina ʾanʿamta ʿalayhim ghayril-l-
maghdubi ʿalayhim wa la-d-daaallin
I ask you to grant this by right of the secrets of al-Fatiha
In the name of God, the Universally Merciful, Singularly Compassionate
Praise belongs to Allah, Sustaining-Lord of the worlds7
The Universally Merciful, Singularly Compassionate
Sovereign of the Day of Judgment
You do we adore, and from You do we seek aid
Guide us to the straight path [the true Sufism and the true Islam]
Not the path of those upon who is Your wrath, nor of those You have led astray.
Allahumma, amin. Allahumma, amin. Allahumma, amin
Oh Allah, please grant this; oh Allah, please grant this; oh Allah, please grant this.