I have had to ask for the community to donate to me, I have fallen behind in my payments to ISH, my medical, and so on. I received a partial tax refund which I will need to make last. I also started an online store which is my hope that Allah will bless me to have a good income. The income isn’t just for me, it’s to allow me the privilege of caring for my elderly mother who is partially disabled like me and possibly in the beginning stages of dementia. There is no one else to help her and I am the oldest. I do not believe my husband will agree to help support her based on conversations we have had. I would like to know if it is responsible to give charity from the partial tax return I received? Or do I pay my missed payments to ISH? I believe that our giving of financial charity helps our prayers and please Allah that if it is his will Allah will give back even more. In fact, it’s said in the scriptures to test him on this. To give despite our financial situation because Allah will give 10 fold back to us. I believe giving financially is the ultimate act of trusting Allah to care for our needs. I also don’t want to make it as a bribe to Allah that I will receive 10 folds back what I gave. But, I also want to have 10 fold back from Allah and have my business succeed more than anyone so that I will have the privilege of being able to financially care for my aging mother. Is it good and responsible for me to give 10% or 5% of what my tax return is? Or do I catch up on the other things I have mentioned which I have fallen behind in? Doing so while knowing that I have no other source of income unless Allah grants me favor and success in my store? During one of the classes which Ibrahim taught, he mentioned being able to purchase a goat for a poor family and that the prayers of the poor are very powerful. I would like the prayers of the poor, but am unsure if it’s right for me to give when I have debts? I also feel a little bit that I am bribing Allah. Please help guide me on this issue. Many thanks,
Assalamu aleikum beloved, according to the Islamic teaching and the teaching I heard from Sidi: if you are in debt, you should not give any charity, sacrifice, or alms (zakat,) and your first obligation should be to pay your debt to the best of your ability. Also, if your mother needs support, helping her is more obligatory than helping a stranger. Rest assured that Allah will still answer your prayers and bless you because Allah knows your situation, and He is The Most Compassionate.
Thank you so much. Alhamdulillah
I have been receiving the teachings of Sufism for about 2 1/2 years now. My previous teachings was to give 10%. I have faithfully been doing that. I am on a limited income as well. One month I forgot to give the 10% and I was really short that month. I feel Much better when I give the 10%. I donate differently some months as I still want to give to my church (and realize I am feeling guilt not giving them a full 10%!), to the Marifa Foundation and if I take a lot of classes from other sources (such as MN center) I give some to them. I don’t think about coming back to me 10 fold. I just give it because my heart feels good by doing that and helps in trusting in Allah. I am giving for the teachings of God. I didn’t really have the money to give to the salat; however, I did the calculation, and sent in the money. It has been a lifetime releasing the fear of letting go of my money….and that is not trusting Allah. The best to you. Peace and Love