In the Qur’an Allah sometimes speaks referring to Himself as “We” as in; “We took a covenant from the children of Israel” (Q2:83)…
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In the Qur’an Allah sometimes speaks referring to Himself as “We” as in; “We took a covenant from the children of Israel” (Q2:83) and “We gave Musa the Book” (Q2:87). How am I to understand this term “We” in reference to Allah Most High?
Reader Interactions
Imam Abdul-Karim Pinckneysays
Peace be upon you, Thank you for the question. The use of “We” is one of magnanimity or nobility, not multiplicity. This is a grammatical term known as the Majestic Plural or the ‘Royal We’. I pray this brings clarity.
Imam Abdul-Karim Pinckney says
Peace be upon you, Thank you for the question. The use of “We” is one of magnanimity or nobility, not multiplicity. This is a grammatical term known as the Majestic Plural or the ‘Royal We’. I pray this brings clarity.
And Allah Knows best.