Recently, a beloved I know of, but who I had never had a 1:1 conversation with, reached out to me. Last night we had a wonderful conversation. What came up was a sharing of how Sufism, through Sidi’s teachings, captured this beloved’s heart and how in the beginning of their walking their heart was drunk with awe and the unexpected aliveness of faith and experience of Allah with an endless quality to it. And then well-meaning beloveds in our tariqa came along with their perceptions of the religion, with their shoulds and “I know best” approach to the path, and they dampened the fire of Allah’s light and love she experienced with rules and protocols.
This beloved had heard me mention a single statement in a recent call about Allah’s uninterrupted providing presence I have experienced this year, and this gave rise to the hope of inspiration again within this beloved’s heart, and thus, they reached out to me. We talked back and forth for a long while about the infinite love and goodness of Allah in our tasting (not theology), and talked very little about the issues in the tariqa.
This reminded me of another beautiful conversation yesterday with two other beloveds about the rising hunger/longing in hearts TO BE FREE to drink the wine of the Reality of Allah in their own heart, and the coming together of hearts in community in a way where there is a safe place for free expression in an atmosphere of comfort and communion. Then this came to my heart;
“Feed them, and do not manage for another what Allah has placed in hearts, and they will come, will ignite in The One Love, and the freedom of flow in the beauty of Allah in every heart will be free to add to the stream’s current that carries us all Home.”
Learning what Allah continues to provide with every act of worship, service, and communion with Allah matters, and needs to be honored by supporting the FREEDOM of each heart’s tasting and expression of the overflowing of Allah’s provision in their own witnessing, held in the circle of community.
Oh Allah, please guide us and help us begin in our own hearts to taste and become the freedom in the mercy of Your Love, and teach us more and more how deeply we need one another in order to reach the return with You. Amin.
~ Sukayna Mau
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