Moving Forward
In 2021 we held many meetings with community and with the building officials on Napa County to consider all options for the future of the Land. We have decided to move slowly and keep listening for guidance as a clear vision begins to emerge from the Land before making any major commitment to rebuild. We have improved the road all the way to the new Land past the original Mother Center site which required the clearing of hundreds of dead trees and the grading and rebuilding of the road. We have begun to look into the natural springs on the New Land and are investigating what would be needed for the infrastructure to supply water to all of the lots on the New Land.
Our intention is to continue to explore options for a new creation that could emerge at the Land. We are actively working with the local community and other beloveds outside the area to cultivate and water the seeds of what this Land can offer our community. We are being guided by all that we have gathered regarding Sidi’s vision for the Land, the needs of the local community near Pope Valley, CA, as well as the needs of our greater North American community, and the inspirations of those who are drawn to the Land. We are not sure how this will all unfold but we have great hope that something organic will begin to emerge. Something new that carries light and hope and love. We trust that the Land itself and the hearts of beloveds will eventually open and the way forward will begin to emerge. Until then, SSC will be making very carful and thoughtful baby steps as we listen and respond as best we can, insha’allah.
Next Steps
We are working closely with Sa’id Bin Yunus, Hadi Osbourne, Hakima Naimer, Yunus and Sabura Tierney as they all have a vested interest in the future of the Land. Permaculture options are being explored, as well as housing options to help this small community start fresh. Eventually, this group may form a separate non-profit and insha’allah, someday may build a masjid and a place for zawiyah at the Land.
Look for announcements of our next Land sohbet meeting with community and join us as we keep looking for guidance and the fresh shoots of hope for the Land.
We will post new updates on our blog (see “News” in the top menu) and to the main page about the Land.
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