SSC's Blog
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SSC's News, Ponderings, and Other Happenings

Mid-Shaban Khalwa Offerings
Last night was the 15th night of Sha’ban. While there is debate amongst scholars regarding the appropriate ways to worship on this night, there are

February Community Sohbet: Spiritual Ecosystems
View a powerful message of hope and healing for our community offered by SSC’s Board Chairman, Abdul Latif Howard New Initiatives at Feb. Sohbet At

When Allah, Most High, Ignites Hearts
Recently, a beloved I know of, but who I had never had a 1:1 conversation with, reached out to me. Last night we had a

Al-Waliyy Support Circle
Over this past year, SSC has held to one intention; to connect, listen, and serve the needs and hopes of our Shadhiliyya community. Behind this intention of service there is a greater intention–to inspire beloveds to stand in their truth and be the holy jewel that Allah, Most High has been preparing you to be for all of your life…

The Land – Jan 2022 Update
Moving Forward In 2021 we held many meetings with community and with the building officials on Napa County to consider all options for the future

Community Sohbet Tonight!
Please join us for our monthly community sohbet tonight. This is an opportunity to bring up any questions, concerns, or suggestions you may have for SSC, and it’s also a chance to connect as a community and share what’s moving in our hearts.